I'm a Celebrity: Nigel Farage finds an audience – even in the middle of nowhere
ITV's star attraction delivered extra publicity before even the first kangaroo scrotum had been swallowed

ITV's star attraction delivered extra publicity before even the first kangaroo scrotum had been swallowed
While some men avoid all jewellery, others adorn themselves. Old hand Christopher Howse and young gun Guy Kelly have the measure of treasure
The defining images that capture the making of our monarch
Forget minimalism, the new rule is ‘the more, the better’ – after all, nobody has the time to stick with just one dishwasher...
Fans could not have been more excited for the sitcom's HBO Max reunion – but they also shared their concern after seeing Chandler
Planet Hollywood is riven over the Israel-Hamas war – and the slew of tweets, hashtags and open letters is only muddying the A-list waters
These days, everybody is a commentator. Old hand Christopher Howse and young gun Guy Kelly wonder if we really need to hear it
The creator of the 15-minute city concept on how his model for urban life was distorted by conspiracy theorists, leading to death threats
His daughter may be in Hollywood, but Clinton Pugh is still busy fighting the council over their low traffic neighbourhood schemes
More than half British men now sport facial furniture, but are they on trend? Old hand Christopher Howse and young gun Guy Kelly pick a side
The actor had the world at his feet in the Noughties – then he disappeared. Now, he's back. Just don't ask him to explain the ending of Lost
Should pavement plant life be cultivated or cut back? Old hand Christopher Howse and young gun Guy Kelly ponder a growing problem
Soap, candles and poisoned tubes – how the island of Lundy got rid of all its rodents and tripled its sea bird population
Announcing his bid to run as an independent in October, here’s what we know of the ‘black sheep’ of America’s most famous political dynasty
Running for over 300 minutes, the series has a lot of blink-and-you'll-miss-them details. Luckily, we’ve pointed out every one
Old hand Christopher Howse and young gun Guy Kelly ponder why we don’t embrace our friendly neighbourhood arachnids