Pouring pints in church may be controversial, but it’s nothing new
While the Vicar of St Ives may have caused a stir with his parishioners after installing beer pumps, there's a long history of church ales

While the Vicar of St Ives may have caused a stir with his parishioners after installing beer pumps, there's a long history of church ales
After 18 difficult months, the restaurateur is closing his Dorset foodie retreat. He reveals the blood, sweat and tears behind his decision
Covid is threatening to call last orders on what alleges to be our most ancient inn – and pretenders to its crown are staking their claims
London takes the top two spots in the highly anticipated list leaving New York and Paris shaken and stirred
Tables are being removed, masks ordered and bars shut off: here's how pubs and bars are preparing to to reopen on Saturday
Some landlords have called it an 'appalling' privacy breach but, for many punters, it is a price worth paying to get back to the pub
The registration system will allow owners of pubs and restaurants to keep an electronic record of customers contact details.
The nation’s pubs are at risk of closure, but regulars are successfully rallying to save them – from Cambridge to Lindisfarne, via Soho
Pubs with large gardens will be able to obey social distancing rules most easily; here is a selection of Britain's best, for reopening time
Takeaways, the 'fourth emergency service' and a wine float demonstrate how pubs are adapting their business to a lack of customers