Socialist nationalism is on the rise in Germany
Firebrand Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party combining anti-wokery, Russophilia, and Left-wing economics could win 20 per cent of the vote

Firebrand Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party combining anti-wokery, Russophilia, and Left-wing economics could win 20 per cent of the vote
Lack of moral clarity in the handling of Tehran has fuelled greater terror
Guests gathered at Lord Lawson's memorial yesterday in Westminster - to say farewell to a man who ‘led the fullest of political lives’
Superior weapons and strong morale are giving Ukrainian troops a crucial edge in battle
Italy’s first female prime minister has a plan that could be the answer to the continent’s migrant crisis
My father died earlier this year. It has brought home the iniquity of this envious levy on aspiration
Country has shaken off Communism’s shackles to stand up to Putin as Germany and France dither
Self-aggrandisement appears to be the driving force behind the president's foreign policy
Berlin has become shamefully addicted to autocrats
Ben Wallace is right to sound the alarm about the EU’s military ambitions
In the Reichstag and Federal Chancellery, Putin has them quaking in their boots
Far from restoring Russia’s greatness, the president’s war has reduced it to a third-rate power
Humiliated Emmanuel Macron is presiding over a country that has lost its raison d’être
Not content with cosying up to the Kremlin, Berlin is still treating China as a close friend and partner
Giorgia Meloni's victory in Italy's general election marks the popular rejection of those leaders favoured by the Brussels establishment
The global outpouring of grief for Queen Elizabeth II is a testament to her, but also to the system that she so carefully tended