Why a regular bedtime is more important than how many hours you sleep
The elusive eight hours of shuteye is less important than keeping the same time slots every night, says a new study

The elusive eight hours of shuteye is less important than keeping the same time slots every night, says a new study
I’m inclined to suggest we throw everything in the storage unit away and continue this life of self-imposed minimalism
That a child becomes the centre of your universe should not be seen as anathema – it should be taken as read
Much has been made of David Beckham’s apparent OCD tendencies – if true, he is dealing with a serious monster of an illness
How do we handle our own anxiety as someone close to a patient, and how can we best serve our loved one?
The co-founder of the Zoe app and author of ‘Food for Life’, reveals simple food changes that will do you a power of good
Last year they got fit and felt better than ever – this year you can too
Experts suggest that many of our most cherished beliefs about breakfast are likely to be wrong
I've spent weeks trying and testing the best water flossers to clean between the teeth and along the gum line
Nothing can prepare you for the sheer all-encompassing nature of the disease – but thanks to new tech, we no longer have to worry all night
In 1983, his report on fat, sugar and salt intakes was blocked by the DoH – a scandal described by one scientist as ‘our own Watergate’
The musician, 71, discusses how he stays fit on the eve of the band’s golden anniversary tour
Who wants to go to something that starts at 8pm, when by this point, you could have taken off your make-up and got into your pyjamas?
Footballers are eating chicken feet to maintain their collagen, but there are other ways to top up this skin and muscle-boosting protein
New evidence claims cognitive behavioural therapy can help reduce menopausal symptoms – but it's not that simple
A new study has found that strawberries could help to prevent later-life dementia – and they’re not the only local fruit we should be eating