Senior civil servant wore Black Lives Matter lanyard at official meeting
The senior health mandarin, who is required to be politically impartial, also displayed a poster supporting striking miners in one meeting

The senior health mandarin, who is required to be politically impartial, also displayed a poster supporting striking miners in one meeting
It's immoral to go on protests backing such a heinous terrorist organisation
An anonymous civil servant writes that any suggestion migration be reduced is met with horror among staff at the Home Office
I witnessed a free speech miracle in post-Soviet Budapest
A surreal battle is taking place between the Chinese Communist Party and conservatives in the State of Montana
Navy staff urged to ‘avoid micro-aggressions and to ‘keep constantly educating and researching about trans matters’
Britain needs to Brexit from American cultural hegemony
Civil servants who blew the whistle on the Maoist-style cultural revolution that has swept through government departments deserve our thanks
Ministers want to tighten the rules for the Health and Care Worker visa so poorly qualified applicants cannot bring dependants with them
Boss of short-staffed NHS contractor urges staff to sign up to event and complete 'mandatory unconscious bias training'
Members of civil service group targeted for their views on women's rights and belief that biological sex is binary and immutable
Civil Service professes to offer high-quality advice to politicians, but some officials have made it their business to oppose and obstruct
Letter to Cabinet Secretary warns government policy risks being improperly influenced by imposition of gender ideology
Government staff were urged to 'dress up for Pride' and bombarded with material on white privilege, leaked internal communications reveal
Population of elderly expats has increased by a third since Brexit
Former civil servant claims counter-terror officers were ‘heavy-handed and violent’ during dawn raid that led to no charges