This has to be the Left’s most pathetic anti-Israel protest yet
The poetry editor of The New York Times Magazine has dramatically resigned over Gaza. Surely Netanyahu cannot survive this blow

The poetry editor of The New York Times Magazine has dramatically resigned over Gaza. Surely Netanyahu cannot survive this blow
The young may not mind that he was a mass-murdering jihadi terrorist. But wait till they hear how problematic he was
Normally, when an ethnic minority group is subjected to abuse, progressives are the first to call it out, but many have been silent
Clothes are a nightmare, you’d rather stay home, your hair isn’t growing in the places it’s meant to... sound familiar?
Ron DeSantis isn’t short yet he still wears stacked heels, which women may find odd... but us gents understand it perfectly
They say they want to avoid an increase in community tension, but it feels as if there’s only one community they’re actually concerned about
They said ‘older generations’ had let young people down. Yet a new poll on green lifestyle choices tells a very different story
If they make ‘misgendering’ an imprisonable offence, it could happen. There’s just one small problem
A recent study extols the benefits of striding around quickly, something many Londoners will be all too pleased about
The open letter from leading lights of British culture is staggeringly one-sided and yet, curiously, I see no mention of Israeli victims
Centrist hypocrisy over Islamist terror: a helpful beginner’s guide
The England manager’s defence of the FA’s ‘difficult’ decision was pathetically craven
I know exactly how Sir Keir Starmer could shed his image as a la-di-da London lawyer and impress working-class voters
Rather than facing the ordeal of having to eradicate another infestation, it would probably be simpler to move to Antarctica
When the Home Secretary said multiculturalism had failed, this is exactly what she was getting at
The founder of a Muslim hiking group argues that, in Britain, ‘minority communities’ are ‘edged out’ of ‘rural spaces’. Really?