Spare a little sympathy for kids who will never get chickenpox
A new vaccine push may spell the end of Britain's ‘chickenpox parties’

A new vaccine push may spell the end of Britain's ‘chickenpox parties’
Reading is in decline across all classes. The issue is no longer just access, or upbringing
Arty types are about to become the middle-class equivalent of miners – the future is bleak
The time may come when the ability to transcribe thoughts onto paper using only a pencil becomes so rare that people will marvel at it
The rail companies want to strip away the last vestige of easily accessible help
The middle classes love traditional architecture. So why are we so opposed to attempting to replicate it?
She belongs to the generation that would rather die – literally – than make a fuss. The health service almost made it a reality
The heaviest drinkers are now aged 55 to 64. It's alright to laugh, but the costs on our society are considerable
The introduction of “synthetic phonics” into English schools has put our children near the top of the international literacy rankings
Our relationship with meat is complicated, but reducing our intake could make all the difference
Our relationship with meat is complicated, but reducing our intake could make all the difference
Indecent exposure must be seen for what it is: a serious crime which can be an indicator of still more serious offences
We live in a cornucopia of junk food. Is it any wonder so many of us are obese?
I resent every minute spent trying to drag my children away from screens, but it's my job
The decline in reading is exacerbating – and to some degree causing – the polarisation and lack of sophistication in debate
We do it to feel good about ourselves and try not to think too hard about whether it compromises the dignity of our dependents