Private care providers accused of profiteering and crippling council budgets
Buckinghamshire council on track to spend £1.7m on one child’s round-the-clock care

Buckinghamshire council on track to spend £1.7m on one child’s round-the-clock care
Dispute over a life insurance claim has left Karen Gibson struggling to make ends meet
Buy-To-Let Empires: Michael Lawson's family has built a portfolio of more than 70 properties
Customers overcharged by lender to receive hefty compensation in landmark ruling
Growing wages, falling mortgage rates and an influx of cash buyers are propping up prices
Unexpected uptick in values last month causes economists to revise forecasts
Buy-to-Let Empires: Telegraph Money speaks to landlords banking on property
Locals say part-time residents’ contribution to the economy is exaggerated
Landmark ruling on capital gains tax could open door to thousands of refunds
Taxpayers who built their own homes could be entitled to claim large refunds
Pressure grows to extend re-letting period after evictions on grounds of needing to sell
Homeowners left with unsellable properties, Telegraph Money investigation reveals
Discrepancies in advisers’ charges have been labelled a blatant ‘conflict of interest’
My Buy-to-Let Empire: Telegraph Money meets the landlords banking on property
Thousands of British holiday home owners face rising costs – but there are ways to save
Lack of a proper exit strategy for Help to Buy borrowers puts homeowners in a bind