There’s a crushing political consensus that Britain’s destiny is to be poor
Petrified of criticism, our politicians run from the idea that the economy can ever be fixed

Petrified of criticism, our politicians run from the idea that the economy can ever be fixed
With an election looming, the Tories could do a lot worse than learn from the Isle of Man
Railing against the EDI industry is the definition of shutting the door after the horse has bolted
We only have to look to the 1970s to see where unsustainable spending and debt lead us
The UK seems incapable of solving its own issues, and things are set to get worse
We have fallen behind countries we once consider peers; the gap between Britain and America is wider than the gap between the UK and Romania
The Uxbridge revolt against Sadiq Khan’s green madness has set out a blueprint for a Conservative resurgence
The levy’s abolition would be a welcome shift back towards Thatcherite ideas
The kindest thing we could tell young people is: don’t expect a taxpayer-funded retirement
We won't need a superintelligence to destroy us; we're quite capable of doing that ourselves
An organisation run with considerable bloat is being stripped back and rebuilt – and even Twitter's harshest critics are still tweeting
Trevor Noah’s liberal US audience may see themselves as global citizens, but they struggle to conceive that other places work differently
As it turns out, there is method in this madness - the NYT's Britain-bashing is designed for a very specific audience
Whatever his faults, our former PM gave off the air of someone energetic, well-meaning, and fundamentally quite conservative
It would hardly be the first time that the pursuit of ease and convenience ended up destroying something deeply valuable
Improved technology was meant to empower us to make more choices about our utility use. They have become a regulators' spy in our homes