Editorial complaints
IPSO Editors' Code
The Independent Press Standards Organisation is the regulator for editorial standards in the newspaper and magazine industries.
It operates a code of conduct for journalists employed by subscribing publishers. Telegraph Media Group is regulated by IPSO, and our journalists are required to adhere to the Editors' Code. You can find out more about the Code by following this link.
Note that if you make a complaint about editorial content in Telegraph Media Group publications, you will need to say which section of the Code you think has been breached.
Complaints policy
Telegraph Media Group has a clear complaints policy. You will need to read it before making a complaint about editorial content.
To make a complaint, fill out the form below.
You should fill in this form only if you have an editorial complaint on a serious or significant issue. Complaints about spelling and grammar should be submitted by email to telegraphenquiries@telegraph.co.uk. Note that you will get a confirmation in your browser if your complaint has been submitted successfully.
Please read our complaints policy before filling in this form. Complaints can only be accepted up to four months from the date of the behaviour(s) or first publication of the item(s) that you are complaining about. Should the item remain accessible on our website or in another digital format after this time, we will accept complaints up to 12 months from the date of first publication.
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