Days before its sale, my once beautiful property was destroyed
Selling a property can be a nightmare – more so when it needs massive renovation

Selling a property can be a nightmare – more so when it needs massive renovation
Desperate property investors are being lured by firms claiming to offer savings loopholes
No-fault evictions give landlords a more reliable escape route when renters stop paying
Sky-high fees may boost their bottom line – but it’s a short-sighted move
Binding landlords in more red tape will expedite their exodus from the sector
A quick look into the T&Cs uncovers a number of ambiguities and glaring red flags
Renting a property is no longer profitable amid rising interest rates and full rollout of Section 24
Not all beach huts are made equal – here's how to pick the right one
As pressure builds in the lettings industry, due diligence is more important than ever
‘Mortgage prisoners’ have become trapped in nightmarish deals with no way out
Investing in property can be a rollercoaster – but it is worth it in the end
The new EPC system is so confusing that it robs landlords of any incentive to upgrade
The toxic culture of private landlords versus tenants is metamorphosing the rental sector
Investors are exiting the sector and not coming back, creating a shortage of rental homes
Secret Landlord: investors will be forced to raise rents – or sell up
In the cold winter months it is important to be vigilant about the spread of mould