Men who want to spend more time with the children? More often than not, it’s Grandpa
The King's new schedule confirms that as men get older, children suddenly become more enchanting

The King's new schedule confirms that as men get older, children suddenly become more enchanting
Ayda Field, wife of Robbie Williams, says her kids will fly economy ‘until they can pay to put themselves in a different part of the plane’
Topics like sex education are being cordoned off because teachers want a quiet life – pupils deserve better
From the Tardis to sitcoms, the Tennants have seen it all acting-wise – and now their children want to follow in their footsteps
The timing of their march confirms a historical ignorance we have allowed to thrive – and should do everything in our power to redress
Nothing can possibly be a young person’s fault when they dismiss anyone who challenges them as having some form of neurological disorder
It’s illegal to sunbathe topless in LA and yet, every year, the City of Angels celebrates the holiday by turning into a giant Ann Summers
The actor characterised himself as an alcoholic-in-waiting from the age of 14, but his level of success and fame made the fire take hold
Ahead of a new musical challenge, the star explains how she has changed – and why the music industry hasn’t changed enough
Some people go out of their way to avoid speaking to the bereaved – they need to grow up
Science is moving so quickly that we aren’t taking the time to consider what this holy grail could actually be doing
By using the word, we stick a pin in it, we deflate its overblown connotations... we reduce it to no more, no less
The billionaire’s company Neuralink is to trial brain implants in humans, allowing us to choose our moods – surely this won’t end well?
The best thing about Professor Arif Ahmed’s new post isn’t that it exists, but that he has vowed not to take sides in the ‘culture wars’
We all now leap at the chance to smack people down for saying anything off colour, but surely intent has to count for something?
Trying to ‘shield’ young people from books involving gender and sexuality is no more of a deterrent than putting biscuits just out of reach