Jockey Saffie Osborne: How would I describe myself? Ambitious, selfish, small!
Rising star jockey reveals her most embarrassing moment and the craziest thing she's ever bought

In her first full season as a professional jockey, Saffie Osborne has ridden more than 60 winners. In August she was part of an all-female team that won the Shergar Cup and last month she retained the Racing League’s leading jockey title.
Here the self-confessed shopping addict gives an insight into her life away from the saddle.
Who is the one person you would like to meet, dead or alive?
Michael Jordan. He’s one of the biggest sports people in the world and I love his mindset towards sport.
Describe yourself in three words
Ambitious, selfish, small! I think putting my job and career first can make me a pretty selfish person.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Making horses run faster.
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I don’t want this to be taken the wrong way but being told I ride like a boy. I’ve been told that by a few people.
What is your worst habit?
I’m a shopping addict. I do it online because I don’t have much time to go to shops. Luckily my mum goes to the Post Office for me if I need to return anything. It’s all clothes. Everyone jokes that I walk into work in a nice dress, then put breeches and a helmet on.
What is your most embarrassing moment?
My family has tried to embarrass me a lot so I’m now immune to it. I’ve got three older brothers, so it was things like trying to trip me up, dropping me in it when I said stuff.
If you could switch lives with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be?
Margot Robbie. She’s my girl crush – she’s pretty cool.
What is your favourite childhood memory?
Winning the Lambourn Show lead rein class when I was four or five. I remember it was a cool week because my dad [trainer Jamie Osborne] had two Ascot winners. I still have the trophy. It’s in my dad’s office with some other trophies.
What is your favourite WhatsApp group?
My family group chat, with my three brothers and my parents. We have six dogs at home so the content can be quite entertaining. There are dog updates, life updates… My brothers all live in London – they don’t know one end of a horse from another!
Are they coming to watch you ride at Champions Day at Ascot on Saturday?
Yes, lots of my brothers’ friends are massive racing fans so come along as well. Champions Day is the biggest day of our sport and a massive showcase for us – the best horses and the best jockeys. It’s a brilliant day to end the season and I’m really looking forward to it.
What is your most prized possession?
My Jack Russell, Biscuit. She’s only a year old but she’s very quickly gone to the top of the list. She goes everywhere with me.
What song gets you on the dancefloor?
It would have to be Man! I Feel Like A Woman! [by Shania Twain] – if you hear that you run to the dancefloor – or Dancing In The Dark [Bruce Springsteen].
What is your dream three-course meal and dinner guests?
It would be really bog-standard stuff: halloumi to start, spaghetti bolognese for main and a chocolate brownie with ice cream for pudding. I could produce a long list of celebrity guests I’d like to meet but I’d want my family and best friends – that would be the most fun.
If you could go on any reality TV show, what would it be?
Come Dine With Me. I like cooking, although my mum would say I’m not very good at cleaning up. I like to think I make a good chicken ramen.
Do you prefer a night in or a night out?
As a sports person, I should say night in, but I do love a night out. It could be anything – going to the pub for dinner, a big night out in London…
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Work hard and don’t believe your own publicity – that’s from my dad. My mum has told me: “Don’t let failure derail you.”
What is the best concert you have been to?
Fred Again. I went to Ally Pally three times in a week when he was playing there. He did a different set each night, so it wasn’t like watching the same thing.
What is your karaoke song?
Rapper’s Delight [by The Sugarhill Gang]. For some reason I can rap the whole seven minutes of it. One of my brothers can do it as well.
What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever bought?
My mum tells me off for buying clutter and last week I bought a head scratcher – one of those that looks like a spider. It’s amazing, though.
If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or go to the future?
Back in time. I wouldn’t want to change anything but there are moments in my life I’d like to relive. I wouldn’t want to go to the future; I love that we don’t know what is around the corner, it makes life exciting.
What has been your favourite holiday?
I’ve been really lucky to go on some cool family holidays, like summers in Cornwall. The best was going on safari to Tanzania with the whole family as a teenager. It took us quite a while to track down elephants!
Do you have any hidden talents or a party trick?
I don’t think I’m very talented at all but I can get an After Eight from my forehead to my mouth without using my hands. And I can sing seven minutes of Rapper’s Delight!
What is your biggest non-sporting achievement?
I got to grade five on the piano.
What is the best book you’ve ever read?
I love To Kill a Mockingbird and I’ve just read Thinking, Fast and Slow, which is a really cool book. It’s about the human mind and making decisions.
What is the one rule you would like to change in your sport?
That jockeys are only allowed to ride in one meeting a day. We used to be able to do more.
If you were not a sports person, what would you be doing?
I’d like to be a barrister – getting paid to argue. If you asked my family, I’m pretty good at arguing my case!
QIPCO British Champions Day at Ascot on Saturday, October 21 is live on ITV1 from 1pm. For more info please visit britishchampionsday.com