Singapore launches fish farm in a shipping container to bolster food security
There are hopes the urban 'innovative' scheme will help the city-state hit an ambitious target to produce a third of its food domestically

From the outside, there’s little to suggest the nondescript grey shipping container could help transform Singapore’s food security. Yet the city-state has high hopes for the project lurking within the 20-foot-vessel.
Deposited on a gravel plot in eastern Singapore, this is the country’s first urban fish farm – and some say it could help the metropolis hit an ambitious target to produce 30 per cent of its food by 2030.
The project, called ‘Our Fish Storey’, was unveiled by the start-up Aqualita Ecotechnology and the local council this weekend. It will see the fish jade perch farmed in Tampines, a central Singapore suburb close to Changi airport, in a “litmus test” to gauge consumer interest and confirm feasibility.
“By using up spaces that are not utilised, we can actually grow fishes in an urban city – within grass plots, within empty warehouses,” Goh Chin Heng, director of local startup Aqualita Ecotechnology, told Channel News Asia. “We can easily farm fish anywhere … and can easily relocate, when the site is up, to a new place and restart a new farm very quickly.”
According to the company, one container – which costs close to £18,000 to set up, bar land costs – could produce up to 1,200kg of jade perch a year, a freshwater fish rich in Omega 3. The first harvest will be four to six months away and other varieties, including barramundi, tilapia and red snapper, could also be farmed in future.
Aqualita Ecotechnology added that the approach – known as a recirculating aquaculture system – could also improve fishing efficiency.
Not only are the three fish tanks inside housed in a cleaner, more controlled space, but the approach reduces the amount of pollution caused by uneaten feed and eradicates the need for antibiotics. Overuse of these critical drugs in agriculture is a major driver of antibiotic resistance, dubbed a “silent pandemic”.
The start-up said it is also exploring whether solar panels could power the fishing containers.
Dr Essam Yassin Mohammed, a senior director of Aquatic Food Systems at CGIAR and Director General of WorldFish, told the Telegraph that the “innovative” project is “a great application of the recirculating aquaculture technologies to the local context of Singapore, which is characterised by land scarcity and the need to [farm fish] more efficiently.”
The project is not the world’s first. In 2016, the world’s biggest Atlantic salmon producer, Marine harvest, launched a project to build salmon farms in containers on unwanted cargo ships, while Mexican company Atarraya uses the metal boxes to house shrimp farms. Initiatives have also been developed in countries including Finland and South Africa.
Dr Mohammed said that while there are drawbacks to these initiatives – including setup costs and need for specialist technical expertise – they are likely to play a critical role bolstering food security globally and nationally.
Singapore’s first container-ship fish farm comes amid a drive to reduce reliance on imports in the compact city state, home to 5.5 million people.
Currently, only about 10 per cent of the county’s food is domestically produced – the government aims to boost that to 30 per cent by the end of the decade.
The government has previously stressed that a high-tech, resource-efficient agriculture industry will be critical to hitting this target, and already has a thriving vertical farm sector.
“With modern urban farming being implemented in Tampines, we hope to contribute to the nation’s ‘30 by 30’ food goal,” Desmond Choo, mayor of North East District and chairman of Tampines Town Council, told local outlet Mothership.
“These shipping container fish farms can contribute to sustainable food systems in densely populated areas, in line with global efforts to combat food insecurity and climate change,” said Dr Mohammed, adding that aquatic foods are not only nutritious, but farming them involves a fraction of the CO2 emissions associated with land-based agriculture.
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