Imran Khan: ‘Why has UK not spoken up about Pakistan dismantling democracy?’
Ousted prime minister says the West is ignoring human rights abuses as he tells of his supporters being thrown in jail

Ousted prime minister says the West is ignoring human rights abuses as he tells of his supporters being thrown in jail
Only one state – Kerala – has revolutionised its approach to caring for the elderly. The rest of the nation must follow suit
Despite large numbers of same sex-attracted people, gay marriage in the country remains illegal – is the Supreme Court about to change this?
Every weekday the Telegraph's top journalists analyse the Russian invasion of Ukraine from all angles and tell you what you need to know
Youtube star Miles Routledge, 21 - who visits 'most dangerous places on Earth for fun' - among three UK nationals being held in Kabul
The mycologist was infected with Chondrostereum purpureum – the same fungus that causes silver leaf disease in plants
Economic turmoil and rising inflation is making it increasingly difficult for patients to access life-saving medicine
WHO warns contaminated batches of the Indian-manufactured medication is circulating in Lebanon and Yemen
The former Pakistani prime minister tells of life after his assassination attempt before addressing a rally from a bulletproof box on Sunday
The former opposition party leader is convicted for suggesting in 2019 that Narendra Modi was a criminal because of his name
Gruesome attacks and the growing threat of disease means a day of reckoning beckons for the country’s 60m street dogs
WHO officials race to find lethal ingredient behind largest poisoned medicine scandal in 17 years – Indian authorities aren’t playing ball
New study is the latest body of research to show a possible association between the disease and exposure to trauma
Human Rights Watch report says the historic treatment of the Chagossians amounted to ‘racial persecution’
Pakistan’s economy is facing total collapse – will it go the same way as Sri Lanka?
The world’s largest prohibition experiment since the 1920s pushed liquor production underground. The consequences have been disastrous