Netflix’s newest nature programme promises to rival David Attenborough (but there’s a twist)
Life on Our Planet, a new series co-produced by Steven Spielberg, has found a hi-tech way to return long-extinct species to the land

Life on Our Planet, a new series co-produced by Steven Spielberg, has found a hi-tech way to return long-extinct species to the land
From the royal family's race to Balmoral, to the final funeral procession in Windsor - how a nation united in grief for Queen Elizabeth II
From a shark’s perspective, the waters off Massachusetts are near identical to the warm western coastline of Britain
Fast cars, social media and reckless young men driving with a sense of impunity is a toxic combination – and the police need to tackle it
Britain’s boggy peatlands capture carbon and protect against flooding – but erosion has left them in danger
In a Telegraph exclusive, the national treasure explains why, after a lifetime travelling, he’s glad to make Wild Isles on British soil
Very rare flag is emblem of leader of one of darkest episodes in British Arctic history
From a hospital in their tiny basement, Nadeem and Mohammad save 2,000 birds a year. An acclaimed documentary follows their Sisyphean task
Mandy Lieu has undertaken a dramatic rewilding of her Ewhurst Park estate
Hundreds of children are recruited each year by brutal county lines gangs around Britain. Thanks to Action for Children, Jay found a way out
When the Thames froze in 1814, drinkers played skittles, stampeded around fires to fiddle music, and saw an elephant led across the river
Brought up in a devout household by parents who prized education, England's superstar is a far cry from the stereotypical footballer
Motorists hate new speed limits, but have they actually made roads safer?
As tree-planting programmes expand across the UK, we look at how they are helping urban renewal
The planet‘s population is soon expected to peak. What comes next will be unrecognisable
With dead kittiwakes and mummified puffins littering our shores, the ruinous nature of this wildlife tragedy has never been more obvious