Net migration to hit record high as workers and students extend post-Brexit visas
Forecasts suggest that figures will be the highest since records began 43 years ago

Forecasts suggest that figures will be the highest since records began 43 years ago
Find out how much your local authority is making
Professor Alice Gast earned £714,000 while head of prestigious university
Increase in use of fake guns is a result of success in restricting access to conventional and converted firearms, NCA says
Tuition fees would be £14,000 a year in line with inflation – instead, universities are haemorrhaging cash and students are losing out
Fears that conflict in the Middle East will be imported are intensifying – here's how governments are responding to security risk
PM's average vote share fall at by-elections is the worst since the war, although low turnout gives Tories hope
Care Quality Commission reported rise in people paying for own treatment, with some forced into debt to do so
... but detection rate drops to record low as fewer than one in five crimes are solved
Revealed: The schools with the highest grades and the best Ofsted ratings
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MoJ officials compile list of 25 overcrowded jails in England and Wales which will release offenders 18 days early
Brampton Manor in east London tops league table, for the first time coming out above the likes of Eton and Westminster
Official figures reveal one in 50 pupils in state schools in England was absent without permission in first month of new school term
Emergency calls in September were up 11 per cent on August as junior doctors and consultants took coordinated strike action for first time
Household earnings per district data exposes the difference a few streets can make