Rishi must not abandon the Red Wall
We fear the Cabinet reshuffle will not deliver for our Conservative voters, or indeed the country

We fear the Cabinet reshuffle will not deliver for our Conservative voters, or indeed the country
If fertility rates don’t rise, the UK faces economic stagnation or vastly higher levels of immigration
Our country has welcomed more immigrants in the last 25 years than in the last 900 – yet old age dependency is becoming alarmingly skewed
Banning trans ‘conversion therapy’ could stop parents and doctors from helping confused young people
The party’s plan for graduate-led nurseries isn’t just costly. It’s a sinister attack on the role of parents
It is the system itself that is broken - and only urgent reform can fix it
Nothing could be more forward-looking than seeking to ensure the long-term survival, and flourishing, of our nation
Well-meaning people feel unable to push back. New trans guidance for schools may change everything
The Chancellor would do better to let parents decide for themselves how to care for their offspring
Poorly worded guidance has encouraged teachers to use ‘resources’ produced by ideological groups
The Public Order Bill's introduction of buffer zones around abortion clinics would be a grievous blow to freedom of speech and religion
Future generations will look back on children’s online harms the same way we look back on children who were forced to work down mines
This unprecedented sexual experiment on our children needs to be regulated as quickly and thoroughly as possible
He is a brilliant campaigner, but his time in office saw the highest immigration levels on record and a failure to take on cultural battles
The abuse and exploitation of children rightly causes public outrage. Yet for all the past scandals we remain too slow at picking up on it
Charity's decline now appears to be rapid and terminal