British pitted against foreign students for university places, vice-chancellor warns
New paper suggests current system could facilitate a decline in standards in tertiary education

The university system is pitting British and foreign students against each other, a Russell Group vice-chancellor has warned.
In a new paper, Prof Shitij Kapur, vice-chancellor of King’s College London, said universities were relying financially on international students paying higher fees than domestic students.
“If universities cannot recruit more international students, they will be forced to replace loss-making UK admissions with international ones, inviting a vicious discourse that pits “home” student versus “foreign” student,” he said.
“Or, worse still, the whole system will be allowed to decline in quality – with the first to suffer being the student.”
Domestic students pay fees of £9,250 per year, set in 2012, while international student fees can be as high as £38,000 per year. Prof Kapur said that funding UK university research through international student fees was “inherently precarious” and instead it should be funded by the Government.
“The UK’s ambition to become a science and technology superpower cannot be left to the vagaries of decisions about study destinations by students and affluent parents in overseas nations,” he said.
Prof Kapur said domestic students studying careers such as nursing, social work or teaching were also being left to subsidise peers studying courses which would lead to higher salaries, such as dentistry.
He suggested that the UK could adopt a similar system to that introduced in Canada or Australia, whereby students paid lower fees to study courses such as nursing than they did to study dentistry or law.
Default loans
He also noted in the paper, UK universities: from a Triangle of Sadness to a Brighter Future, that 73 per cent of students enrolled in 2022-23 in the English system may default on their loans, while 100 out of 144 UK universities reported an operating deficit in 2021-22.
He added that elsewhere in the OECD, students pay on average 30 per cent of the costs of their studies, with the rest publicly funded, while in the UK this is reversed, meaning that universities rely on international students or through using fixed-term contracts for their staff.
In August this year, former education secretary Lord Blunkett said that international students were pricing British students out of accommodation, with the shortage of cheap rooms having reached a “crisis point”.
Lord Blunkett said the “crisis” stemmed in part from “universities’ failure to plan sufficiently far ahead for the steep rise in the number of domestic students caused by the demographic bulge in 18 year-olds”.
Prof Kapur’s paper noted that there are likely to be at least 100,000 additional students by 2030 compared to 2020 because of demographic changes and that the Government needed to prepare for the number of graduates it wished to see in 2030.
Lord Blunkett said earlier this year that the accommodation crisis “has been exacerbated by a post-Covid boom in demand for places from overseas students”.
According to the dataHE consultancy, a quarter (25 per cent) of places at Russell Group universities in England went to international students last year – a rise from 16 per cent, on average, between 2012 and 2017.