SNP’s Michael Matheson lied about £11k iPad bill to protect his children
Scottish Health Secretary said he didn’t want his sons, who racked up the charges watching live football, drawn into the scandal

Scottish Health Secretary said he didn’t want his sons, who racked up the charges watching live football, drawn into the scandal
Health Secretary claimed he had solely used device for work and provider EE ‘was unable to give further details of what led to charges’
MSPs point out most of the Scottish Health Secretary's bill relates to a public holiday, during which a Rangers vs Celtic derby was played
Largest local authority in Scotland issues 20,000 fines with scheme campaigners call ‘ludicrous, cruel and bloody-minded’
Stephen Flynn remained silent as UK’s other political party leaders and former prime ministers sang at Cenotaph
Tories said Michael Matheson ‘had the audacity’ to expect the public purse to cover the costs until Telegraph disclosure forced about-turn
Relatives of Winkie's owner unveil bronze cast near where it lived on Scotland's east coast
Michael Matheson has allegedly refused to make a personal contribution to his £11k data roaming charge
First Minister has said Covid inquiry requested the messages in September when they actually asked in February
Public must pay after £120k-a-year Health Secretary Michael Matheson spent Christmas in Morocco but failed to log on to wifi
Scottish voters ready to punish ‘failing’ Conservatives and Nationalists as support for independence drifts away
Former first minister made promise to keep all messages but walked away when asked whether any had been deleted
The Scottish Labour leader crticised Sir Keir's comments suggesting Israel had a 'right' to restrict water and aid to Gaza
First Minister says he has retained all his messages from the period being examined by inquiries and will finally hand them over
Former first minister and her successor Humza Yousaf said to be among senior SNP figures to confirm their communications had been wiped