Alexander Litvinenko Inquiry: as it happened
Day one of the Alexander Litvinenko Inquiry, which has replaced an inquest into the Russian spy's death from radioactive polonium poisoning, as chairman Sir Robert Owen hears opening statements - as it happened

• Alexander Litvinenko poisoned 'not once but twice', Inquiry hears
• Thousands of lives put at risk by trail of radiation left across London
• Vladmir Putin 'a common criminal dressed up as a head of state'
• Litvinenko: the proof Russia was involved in his murder
• Was Litvinenko murdered for investigating mobsters?
• Graphic: timeline of events around Litvinenko's death
• The key players in the Litvinenko Inquiry
16.23 The hearing is over for today, and will start again at 10am on Wednesday with the first witnesses. You can read our report of today's events here.
16.11 Following the blockbuster statement by Mr Emmerson, Sir Robert is now hearing brief submissions from counsel to the Home Secretary and to the Metropolitan Police
16.07 Mr Emmerson concludes his statement by paying tribute to Marina Litvinenko.
"No one watching these proceedings should be left in any doubt that if it were not for the courage and commitment shown by Mrs Litvinenko over a period of years none of us would be standing here today, about to embark on this momentous inquiry."
16.04 Vladimir Putin is "nothing more or less than a common criminal dressed up as a head of state", says Mr Emmerson

We say that when all the open and closed evidence is considered together Mr Litvinenko's dying declaration will be borne out as true – the trail of polonium traces leads not only from London to Moscow but directly to the door of Mr Putin's office – and that Vladimir Putin should be unmasked by this inquiry as nothing more or less than a common criminal dressed up as a Head of State.
16.00 Mr Emmerson has suggested that Lugovoy may not have known that the poison was polonium, as he allowed his son to shake hands with Litvinenko, appeared to have handled the deadly radioactive substance and left a trail of radiation "like the breadcrumbs left by Hansel and Gretel".
15.49 "This was clearly a professional assassination which was meant to leave no trace," says Mr Emmerson (pictured below)

15.46 Mr Emmerson says the only facility in Russia that produces polonium 210 is Avangard, a nuclear laboratory owned by the Federal Atomic Agency, Rosatom.
15.40 Litvinenko had an MI6 handler codenamed "Martin" who arranged for regular payments to be made into his bank account in return for consultancy work for the Secret Intelligence Service
15.35 Sergei Abeltsev, a representative of the party later joined by Lugovoy, told the Russian Duma the day after Litvinenko's death:
"The traitor received the punishment he deserved. I am confident that this terrible death will be a serious warning to traitors of all colours, wherever they are located. In Russia, they do not pardon treachery."
15.24 Russian special forces used pictures of Litvinenko for firearms target practice. Mr Emmerson says "there could hardly be a clearer indication that he was a target for deadly retribution".

15.16 The seeds of the Kremlin's grudge against Litvinenko started eight years before the murder, when he went public about an FSB plot to murder Boris Berezovsky. He had "broken the culture of silence about the inner workings of the FSB", said Mr Emmerson. The head of the FSB at the time was Vladimir Putin.
15.12 Mr Emmerson says: "He was killed, we say, partly as an act of political revenge for speaking out, partly as a message of lethal deterrence to others, and partly in order to prevent him from giving evidence as a witness in a criminal prosecution in Spain – a prosecution that could have exposed President Putin's link to an organised crime syndicate."
15.08 "There is not the slightest doubt" that Lugovoy and Kovtun killed Litvinenko, says Mr Emmerson. He says there is no other plausible explanation for how he met his death.
15.04 Mr Emmerson says Litvinenko was "trying to expose this odious and deadly corruption" when he was killed.

He had provided information to officials in this country, in Italy and in Spain who were investigating Russian organised crime syndicates and their relationship to the Kremlin. And he had exposed a number of crimes committed or authorised by Mr. Putin personally.
He had to be eliminated – not because he was an enemy of the Russian State itself or an enemy of the Russian people – but because he had become an enemy of the close-knit group of criminals who surround Vladimir Putin and keep his corrupt regime in power.
15.02 A hard-hitting speech by Ben Emmerson. He accuses Vladimir Putin of running a "Mafia State".

The intimate relationships that will be shown to exist between the Kremlin and Russian organised crime syndicates around the world, are so close as to make the two effectively indistinguishable.
The startling truth which will be revealed by the evidence in this inquiry is that a significant part of Russian organised crime is organised directly from the offices of the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin's Russia is a Mafia State.
15.00 Litvinenko had to be buried in a lead-lined coffin in Highgate Cemetery because of the radiation contamination in his body
14.58 Ben Emmerson QC has begun his opening remarks.

Mrs. Litvinenko has, as you know, fought long and hard over many years to reach this day – the opening day of a public inquiry into the political assassination of her husband in London on 23 November 2006.
The murder was an act of unspeakable barbarism that inflicted on Alexander Litvinenko the most painful and lingering death imaginable. It was also an act of nuclear terrorism on the streets of a major city which put the lives of numerous other members of the public at risk.
14.50 Mr Tam has finished his opening statement, and there will be a five-minute break before Ben Emmerson QC, counsel to the Litvinenko family, begins his speech.
14.47 In the Pine Bar at the Millennium Hotel, where the tea-drinking meeting took place, there was high contamination on a table and a chair. A teapot was found to have "full-scale deflection" in the spout.
14.44 Court being shown a coloured heat map showing the highest levels of contamination in a hotel room. A table had "full scale deflection", in other words the highest count possible by the detection device.
14.34 Mr Tam asks: "Who had the resources and frankly the daring of killing a British citizen on British soil" using polonium-210?
14.28 Experts have said it is not possible to trace back the source of the polonium that killed Litvinenko because it was 100 per cent pure, so had no signature. Means it was made in a reactor.
14.25 Mr Tam says the inquiry will consider whether the polonium traces found around London came from the sweat of someone who had ingested polonium or from someone who touched polonium or had been in contact with it by other means
14.22 Mr Tam, pictured below, says that the polygraph test has to be addressed because it received widespread publicity, particularly in Russia, and it was necessary to explore whether it meant Lugovoy was telling the truth or not

14.18 Lugovoy passed a lie detector test in which he denied doing anything to harm Litvinenko. Witnesses will explore the extent to which the former KGB agent could have used 'countermeasures' to get a false reading
14.17 Marina Litvinenko has given a series of interviews in which she says her aim to to find out who killed her husband
14.13 Sir Robert has expressed concern that Mrs Litvinenko struggled to get away from the court at lunchtime because of the number of photographers and TV cameras that "mobbed" her.

13.45 The key points so far:
• Litvinenko was poisoned "not once but twice". Attempts were made to poison him on Nov 1 but also on October 16 and both attempts were at least partly successful
• The killers left a trail of radiation across London putting thousands of lives at risk. Radioactive material was found at Arsenal's Emirates stadium, in bars, buses and aircraft, left by those who had handled the polonium-210 poison
• Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun, the two key suspects, have been invited to give evidence from Russia by videolink but have so far refused
• Litvinenko told police he had ingested the fatal dose after drinking "three or four mouthfuls" of green tea during a meeting with Lugovoy and Kovtun at the Millennium Hotel in London
13.06 The Inquiry has now broken for lunch. Back at 2pm.
13.05 Lugovoy said in a press conference after he was accused that it was ridiculous to suggest he would have put his wife and children at risk of contamination, and rubbished the picture of him as "some Russian James Bond"
12.50 Mr Tam says polonium poisoning was "almost unheard of" at the time and radiation poisoning was initally discounted because there was no trace of gamma rays. It was only when an external expert was asked his opinion that the Atomic Weapons Establishment carried out urine tests that detected alpha radiation, the type emitted by polonium.
12.40 A witness known as D3 will testify that Kovtun asked him on October 30, 2006 if he knew a cook working in London because he wanted to kill Litvinenko and needed someone to put a "very expensive poison" in his food or drink.
D3 did not take it seriously at the time and only reported it to the authorities after the poisoning, by which time it was too late.
12.28 A silver-coloured teapot was used to administer the poisoned green tea to Litvinenko in Millennium Hotel, according to Litvinenko. Swallowed three or four mouthfuls, but didn't like it because it was cold.
12.22 The full text of Litvinenko's deathbed statement:

As I lie here I can distinctly hear the beating of wings of the angel of death.
You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life.
May God forgive you for what you have done, not only to me but to beloved Russia and its people
12.15 Tam: He could not have ingested anything like the amount of polonium on first occasion [Oct 16] as he did at Millennium Hotel on second occasion [Nov 1] but did ingest some on Oct 16. He told police he vomited on Oct 16 and thought he had food poisoning
12.12 Tam says Litvinenko was poisoned "not once but twice". Attempts were made to poison him on Nov 1 but also on October 16 and both attempts were at least partly successful
12.06 Final visit was on November 1, when fatal dose is said to have been administered. Traces of polonium were found in aircraft, bars and even Arsenal's Emirates stadium, which the Russians had visited.
11.57 First visit by Lugovoy and alleged accomplice Dmitry Kovtun was on October 16 to 18, when they held meetings with Litvinenko. Lugovoy returned on Oct 25 and met Litvinenko in bar of Sheraton Hotel in London

11.53 Tam says 'scientist A1' [who presumably works for the Atomic Weapons Establishment] will give evidence tomorrow about characteristics of polonium-210.
11.50 Although Lugovoy has been invited to give evidence by videolink, his last communication with Inquiry made clear he did not want to be involved and it has been 'a very long time' since he has made contact
11.45 Litvinenko said that although he would die, he would die a free man. Took his son to the Tower of London, showed him the Queen's crown and told him to defend Britain to the last drop of his blood because Britain had saved the family. Said he was proud to be able to call himself a British citizen
11.40 Tam reads deathbed statement in which Litvinenko says to Putin 'may God forgive you for what you have done not only to me but to beloved Russia and it's people'
In police interviews, Litvinenko said the only person who could have given the order for him to be killed was Putin
11.20 Sir Robert has decided to break for 10 minutes
11.18 Reports that Litvinenko was a paid consultant to MI6 will be explored in closed sessions, says Mr Tam, though Marina Litvinenko may decide to address it when she gives evidence

Marina Litvinenko (Christopher Pledger)
11.16 Litvinenko was paid a retainer by Berezovsky for investigative work and in early 2006 Berezovsky reduced or stopped the payments. Did this cause a falling out between the two men? Might Litvinenko have taken steps such as blackmailing him? It is one of the theories put forward by Lugovoy
11.12 The story of the Litvinenko family's flight from Russia "would not disgrace the pages of a thriller", says Mr Tam. Involved going to Georgia and travelling on false documents to London after Litvinenko was pursued by Kremlin
11.08 Mr Tam says Litvinenko converted to Islam in the days before his death and he helped protect Boris Berezovsky
11.03 Mr Tam now going over biographical details of Litvinenko. Says he was recruited to KGB in 1987
10.59 Mr Tam says over 70 witnesses expected to give oral evidence, including family and friends of Litvinenko, medical staff, pathologists, police investigators from Britain and Germany, forensic scientists.
First witness on Wednesday will be Det Insp Craig Mascall, the man in charge of the murder investigation. Pathologists Dr Nat Cary and Dr Benjamin Swift will also appear.
10.50 Unfortunately Mr Tam appears to have a dodgy microphone, meaning anyone listening to the live feed of the proceedings (ie almost everyone) is struggling to hear him at times
10.47 Mr Tam has said members of the security services will give evidence but their identities will be disguised from the public, and some "sensitive" evidence will be heard behind closed doors
10.45 Mr Tam said a public health alert was issued around the time of Mr Litvinenko's death when traces of polonium were found in "large numbers of places across London".
"Many thousands of members of the public, including British residents and visitors from overseas, might have been at risk from radioactivity," Mr Tam said.
10.25 Robin Tam QC, counsel to the Inquiry, explains that no criminal trial has been possible because Russia refuses to extradite Lugovoy and Kovtun.
10.20 Sir Robert says four core participants represented by counsel: Litvinenko family, Metropolitan Police, Home Secretary and Atomic Weapons Establishment.
Sir Robert says he still hopes the two key suspects, Andey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun, will appear by videolink from Russia.
10.12 Sir Robert is addressing the subject of why it has taken more than eight years to get to this point. He says "unhappily" the process has been "plagued by delays" partly because of the sensitivity of some of the evidence in national security terms.
Tom Whitehead, The Telegraph's Security Editor, is at the Royal Courts of Justice.
10.08 Sir Robert has begun his opening statement.

The issues to which his death gives rise are of the utmost gravity and gave rise to international concern
It was described [by a Commons committee] as 'a miniature nuclear attack on the streets of London'.
10.06 Sir Robert Owen has now entered the courtroom to begin the Inquiry

9.48 The start of the Litvinenko Inquiry’s public hearings comes more than eight years after the inquest into the former KGB agent’s death was formally opened in north London following his death.
One of the star witnesses over the coming weeks will be Mario Scaramella, an Italian investigator who met Litvinenko the day he was poisoned.
But Scotland Yard has been struggling to guarantee his appearance as a witness because of a row with the Italian authorities over giving him immunity from prosecution.
Although Scotland Yard is convinced Litvinenko was murdered by Russians, there are several alternative theories that will be explored by the Inquiry. They include suggestions that he could have been killed by British-based Russian dissidents, Chechen separatists and even the Italian security agencies.
Agence France-Presse has put together this useful infographic on polonium-210, the radioactive poison that killed Litvinenko.
9.43 To find out more about Alexander Litvinenko the man, read our timeline of the key moments in his life.
9.40 Inquiry chairman Sir Robert Owen previously said that alleged Russian state responsibility in the 43-year-old's death was of "central importance to my investigation".
But the Russian government has refused to take part in the inquiry as it does not agree with powers granted in public inquiries that allow evidence to be held in closed session but still inform the findings.
Marina Litvinenko fought for the inquiry into her husband's murder after Sir Robert said he could not hold a "fair and fearless" investigation as part of an inquest, and a public inquiry should take place instead.
Although Mrs Litvinenko and her lawyers will not be able to see secret material, the chairman can take it into account, unlike in an inquest.
Meanwhile The Press Association's Alex Diaz has tweeted an image of a message on the pavement outside the High Court
9.28 A tape apparently recorded by Alexander Litvinenko a year before he was poisoned has revealed he was digging up links between Vladimir Putin and one of the world’s most dangerous terrorists.
A Telegraph investigation uncovered the audio recording, in which the dissident claims from beyond the grave that Russia’s president had a “good relationship” with Semion Mogilevich - a Ukrainian crime boss who was on the FBI's most wanted list and whom Mr Litvinenko believed was selling weapons to al-Qaeda.

Semion Mogilevich
8.50 Alexander Litvinenko may have survived two previous attempts to assassinate him, the BBC has reported.
Details of the two other murder bids may emerge during the Inquiry, it is believed.
8.45 The evidence shown at the Inquiry will include CCTV footage of his movements around the time he was poisoned, the Telegraph's Tom Whitehead and Claire Newell report.

The last movements of murdered Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko as caught on CCTV are to be shown for the first time during the public inquiry in to his death.
Video footage of the two prime suspects in his poisoning could also understood to feature in evidence to be presented to the long awaited inquiry, which opens on Tuesday.
It may also cast light on a possible third suspect, who is believed to have travelled to London with one of the other two.
The images form part of a secretive Scotland Yard report on the investigation into Mr Litvinenko’s murder, the key points of which will now be made public.
8.30 Good morning and welcome to the Telegraph's live coverage of day one of the Alexander Litvinenko Inquiry from the Royal Courts of Justice in London.
The Inquiry chariman, Sir Robert Owen, will open proceedings by hearing statements from barristers representing the Litvinenko family, the Metropolitan Police and other interested parties, before taking the first evidence on Wednesday.

Sir Robert Owen is the Inquiry chairman (GETTY)
If you haven't yet had a chance to read it, catch up with the latest news in the Telegraph's exclusive report disclosing the proof that Russia was involved in his murder.
We have also prepared a video explaining the background to the case in 90 seconds.
Litvinenko's widow Marina told the Telegraph at the weekend that the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine brought back terrible memories for her and her son Anatoly.
She hopes the Inquiry will finally tell her who killed her husband, whom she called Sasha.
“I want to know who killed Sasha. Inquest or inquiry, they are ways to get information, documentation. I would like to be able to say, ’Sasha was killed, full stop’.”